Throughout Liquid Mesh Design’s lifespan, we’ve seen the industry and technology evolve in leaps and bounds, and we’ve been on a constant search for more tools and tricks to make our next project the best it can be. But how do you judge a good 3D visualization, and how do you determine if your current provider is delivering optimal results?
This week we’ll be exploring how you can critique your 3D renders and how you can ensure you’re getting the best bang for your buck from your 3D artists.

With standard photorealistic visualizations, the goal is to have the viewer not be able to differentiate between rendered and real. Although there are subtle differences and artistic liberties, the small details are what make a good render great. Shadows are a great example of this. Having shadows follow a realistic and logical direction and length will give your render a more photographic feel. Neglecting this is often the subconscious reason why your renders might feel more artificial than your competitors’. Reflections are also a great criterion to judge 3D visualizations on, from mirrors to reflective surfaces, how these are represented often is neglected by lower-tier renderers.

Knowledge of trends and styles
As service providers to the design industry, we’re always keeping up with trends and figuring out what’s coming next. Due to this process, we’re always updating our 3D model library and creating new models for what we think will be on our clients’ wish lists. Having a 3D artist alter a design because they don’t have a certain model or simply not being able to create said model, is a massive red flag and certainly a reason to rethink your relationship with your 3D provider.

As the 3D visualization industry has grown, many people have jumped on the bandwagon. 3D renders are seen as a necessary commodity for the planning and presentation of a project, but it requires a keen eye to pull it off correctly. Many 3D artists don’t come from a design background and this is usually seen in their composition of a space.
A competent 3D artist should be able to draw your eye to key pieces in your design while not neglecting the holistic view. Understanding design principles is a key skill required to achieve usable and accurate 3D renders of any size and scale. Finding a provider that understands the process and knows how to serve the project will give you a massive leg up in pitches and presentations.
We know we talk a big game, but we’re always happy to back it up. Book your free consultation and let’s see what we can do for you.